Ising.Vision bibliography

this list of references is curated by the Steering Committee and invited speakers/panelists


  • “Coherent Ising machines–Quantum optics and neural network perspectives,” Applied Physics Letters 117, 160501 (2020): Y. Yamamoto, T. Leleu, S. Ganguli and H. Mabuchi [10.1063/5.0016150 | arXiv]
  • “Ising machines as hardware solvers of combinatorial optimization problems” [arXiv]


  • “Coherent Ising Machines with Optical Error Correction Circuits,” to appear in Adv. Quantum Tech. (2021): S. Reifenstien, S. Kako, F. Khoyratee and Y. Yamamoto [ arXiv ]

mapping, approximation and pre-processing

  • “Generating Target Graph Couplings for QAOA from Native Quantum Hardware Couplings,” J. Rajakumar, J. Moondra, S. Gupta and C. D. Herold [ arXiv ]
  • “Bridging Classical and Quantum with SDP initialized warm-starts for QAOA,” R. Tate, M. Farhadi, C. Herold, G. Mohler and S. Gupta [ arXiv ]